Burglary Prevention For Going On Holiday

Burglary Prevention For Going On HolidayBurglary Prevention For Going On Holiday

Have you taken adequate safety precautions to secure your home and contents stay safe while your away on holidays -Follow our tips below to give yourself peace of mind, and a better chance of enjoying your time away

  • Cancel milk, newspapers and mail deliveries.
  • Arrange for a neighbour, relative/friend to collect your mail or use MailMinder from An Post.
  • Arrange to have the lawn mowed, particularly when absent for long periods in the summer.
  • Do not unwittingly advertise your travel arrangements to others, eg.inform your friends on facebook when your are going away.
  • Do inform family/friends of your travel arrangements so they will know that you did arrive at your destination and you can be contacted in case of an emergency.
  • The period just prior to your holiday is a good time to make a list of all the valuable items in your home including jewellery, photograph the items and take note of the serial numbers and keep both in a safe location.
  • Check your house contents insurance is up to date.
  • Check bikes, tools, ladders etc are locked safely into the shed.Also check that the wheelie bin is stored away in a safe place.
  • Check locks on entrance doors/gates and oil tank.
  • Make full use of light timing devices and do not have the curtains drawn during the day.Have the devices set to come on and off at different times to give the impression the house is occupied.
  • Check all windows/doors are shut and securely locked before activating your alarm.
  • If you have a domestic alarm – inform your monitoring centre of your absence and ensure any nominated key holders will attend promptly if alarm was activated.
  • If not a monitored alarm give a neighbour a key to knock off the alarm.
  • Leave the radio on when your away to give the impression that the house is occupied.
  • If leaving your car at home make sure it is safely locked in the garage, and check that the garage door is locked. If taking the car, invite your neighbour to use your driveway.
  • Don’t leave a message on your answer phone that you are away, have a friend check them regularly for you.
  • Downstairs in not the only way in, remember to secure extension areas, side and back entrances.