Category Archives: safety

Safety Survey

According to new research from Liberty Insurance, one in six people didn’t lock their front door the last time they left their home. The car is packed and you’re ready to go. While driving along the road, with your favourite radio tunes, you really begin to feel you’re on holidays.

Safeguarding Your Home

Safeguarding Your Home Without Expensive Alarm Systems Home security systems have become extremely sophisticated these days. Companies that manufacture home security devices are also making use of the increasing level of home burglaries to capitalize on the fear of home owners. However, the fact is that you always need to

Secure Your Home

Tips to Secure your Home   Ensure that doors are locked, windows are shut and securely locked. If your windows are externally beaded then you will need to increase security. Have the back door locked when answering the front door, a secure ring chain lock attached to your door handle will increase the security.

“Da Pinchi Code”

What does this mean?   It has come to our attend lately through Social Media & Crime Prevention meetings that criminals are using a code to indicate to fellow criminals which houses in an estate were worth robbing and which were too much trouble. I mentioned this to a friend

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