Natural Home Security Tips
When going on Holidays
(A holiday includes a single overnight /weekend or anytime your home is unoccupied it doesn’t always have to be a week or two)
Burglars need to make a snap decision where to burglar, they look for indicators, i.e. car/doors/windows/window-blinds-curtains/lights/alarm/cctv/shrubbery and escape route.
Minimise the above relating to your home.
Leave your home looking natural.
If you have blinds leave them at a natural opening height. It’s not natural to have your blinds fully down at 3pm.
Landing light or Porch light it is not natural to have them lighted at 3pm.
Contact Án Post to have your post held at your local sorting office for delivery or collection on your return.
Set your alarm. If monitored contact the provider, advise of your situation to have Gardaí as first call, remember you are not there.
If possible have a car parked in your drive. It is the best visible deterrent to a would be burglar
If going by taxi to the airport, there is no need to tell the taxi driver the length of your stay away from home and in particular if you are collected from your own hall door.
There is no need to add your full name and address on a tag on your suit case/s as the official airport tag fitted is all the carrier needs.
To identify your suitcase on arrival put a coloured strap or something on the handle to make it handy to collect your bags from the baggage belt. A simple tag with your name only is enough. The official airport tag also has your name for verification it is your case.
Organise a holiday credit card with a limited € amount on it, if it is lost or stolen this will minimise your loss. Avoid bringing your standard cards, if lost or stolen having to cancel direct debits etc and spoiling your holiday. You will be amazed how small your purse or wallet will become. Much easier to manage and keep safe
If bringing cash consider splitting between the responsible persons travelling to minimise loss. Or talk to your bank about withdrawing cash from your holiday location partner bank.
Only carry basic amount of cash on your person.
Consider renting a safe at the location you are staying. Put passport/s, cash and travelling home documents in it for safe keeping.
If the key / lock fob you get for your location has an identifying tag on it specific to your apartment, consider taking if off. If you misplace the key/fob nobody will know where it belongs too. Report ASAP to hotel so new barrel may be fitted and new key/fob issued.
If travelling with children consider giving them a simple password that they can remember, if by chance they are stopped and asked to be taken back to you, they ask for the password.