Tag Archives: robberies

Holiday Security Tips

Holiday Security Tips if travelling out of the country by Plane or Boat If going by taxi to the airport or dock, there is no need to tell the taxi driver the length of your stay away from home and in particular if you are collected from your own hall

Peter Murray Profile

About Peter Murray Peter Murray is the Owner and Managing Director of www.stoptheburglar.ie Certified Security Risk Assessor through the Security Institute of Ireland and QQI, Specializing in home security. Crime Prevention. Director of the Security Institute of Ireland.  

Window And Door Crime Prevention

The Garda Commissioner has designated this week the 23rd September – 30th September 2014 as Community Safety Week primarily focusing on reducing and preventing burglary. They have issued Winter Warning on Burglaries Burglaries typically rise by approximately 25% in winter Majority of burglaries during winter take place between 5pm and

Safety Survey

According to new research from Liberty Insurance, one in six people didn’t lock their front door the last time they left their home. The car is packed and you’re ready to go. While driving along the road, with your favourite radio tunes, you really begin to feel you’re on holidays.

“Da Pinchi Code”

What does this mean?   It has come to our attend lately through Social Media & Crime Prevention meetings that criminals are using a code to indicate to fellow criminals which houses in an estate were worth robbing and which were too much trouble. I mentioned this to a friend

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